The Perils of Spending New Years Abroad
by statusmonger on Jan.01, 2009, under Airlines
A couple months ago I thought I had planned it perfectly. Spend Christmas and New Years abroad with friends and also maintain my airline status with the miles incurred for the trip. I did the math a couple times to make sure I would be guaranteed airline status for 2009. But today while logging into my United account and seeing my mileage summary reset to zeroes, it suddenly occurred to me that my return leg would be in the new year and not count toward status for 2009. So I’m short the 7,000 miles that my return leg back home covers. Darn it!
So moral of the story is this: if you are planning an year end trip that doubles as a mileage run to maintain airline status, make sure you spend New Years at home.
January 1st, 2009 on 11:54 pm
How can you have this name?
You should be status rookie!
January 1st, 2009 on 11:57 pm
You need help doing status math. Perhaps coming up a status calculator.